Yellow fever
The disease
Just like malaria, yellow fever is a tropical disease. The virus is transmitted by a mosquito and wild animals act as a reservoir. The disease manifests itself through a serious liver infection with jaundice, a kidney inflammation and there are all kinds of bleeding. The disease occurs in Africa and South and Central America, strangely enough not in Asia. The incubation period is 3 to 6 days. The patient is seriously ill with high fever, pain and sometimes vomiting. The number of fatal cases was high for tourists, but low for people who live in these areas and constantly exposed to the virus (average 20-30%). The disease is now rare. (the construction of the Panama Canal was initially stopped in 1880 when 50,000 of the 80,000 workers to yellow fever were deceased.) Periodically the disease might unexpected show up in specific areas and especially affect tourists. The disease has 2 phases, the red stage and the yellow phase. During the red phase the face is very red and swollen with 39-40 degrees fever. At this stage bleedings may already occur. The fourth or fifth day the yellow phase starts with 40 degrees yellow fever. There is jaundice and there is bleeding (nose bleeding, intestinal bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding, etc.) with severe abdominal pains and overall weakening. The critical phase is between 4 and 11 days. Then the patient recovers completely, after a long illness, and is immune to this disease for the rest of his life.
There is no specific treatment for this disease. If an epidemic breaks out it is usually not possible to give the intensive care that is necessary for survival in the critical phase of the disease. The disease can be treated homeopathically, but the question is whether you have time to find a qualified homeopathic doctor. Cahterine Gaucher
shows in her book "Cahiers de Médecine Homéopathique, pathologie tropicale et homéopathy", interesting evidence of a homeopathic treatment2.
The vaccine
The current vaccine is effective for 10 years and need to be given only once.
Side effects
The first vaccine that dated from 1930, was withdrawn from the market because it gave many neurological disorders. The current vaccine is also not without some serious side effects such as neurological side effects, allergies and diseases of the kidneys. In a report from the WHO were very serious reactions, encephalitis (brain inflammation), even the dead, during a mass campaign Afrika.3
Contra-indications for this vaccine are children younger than 9 months, pregnant women, people who are allergic to eggs, people with kidney disease and people with neurological disorders in the family. The vaccine is often required for countries where the disease occurs.
What is wise?
Given the seriousness of this disease and the obligation to enter such a country, it is important that the harmful effects of the vaccine are reduced as much as possible. Do not combine this vaccination with other vaccinations and take it in time before departure. This way the possible side effects are easier to deal with before travelling. Always avoid taking viral and bacterial vaccines at the same time. As a preventive measure take the homeopathic delussion of the vaccin in a 200K. Then take this dilussion again just after receiving the shot. If there are still complaints or complaints in the longer term, please contact your homeopathic doctor or one of the homeopathic doctors on my website. This method, although not yet systematically and scientifically examined, has proven to be working excellent, although this does not guarantee that no side effects will occur.
- Dr. François Choffat, Le droit de choisir; Jouvence Editions, ISBN 2-88353-222-2
- Catherine Gaucher, Cahiers de Médecine Homeopathique, pathology tropicale et homeopathy, Masson 1995, p.81-84
- Lutte contre la fièvre jaune en Afrique, OMS 1987