Post-Vaccination Syndrome


The disease

Haemophylus influenzae type B, HIB abbreviated, is a bacterium that is widespread in our air and we normally live in harmony with. But when our immune system is weakened, such as a flu, the HIB to develop a middle ear infection, one sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. In the past, for the introduction of the HIB vaccination, the illness known to doctors as a rare disease with a relatively good forecasting. In rare cases, a bacterium that causes meningitis (meningitis) in mostly small children. Typical features are: fever, headache, stiff neck and a hypersensitivity to the slightest schokjes. Then unconsciousness, spasms and shock occur. Usually heal without permanent the meningitis symptoms, but in 10% lead to deafness and psychomotore problems and 2-5% has a fatal outcome.

The haemophilis influenzae B (HIB) can also cause an epiglottis and starts swallowing complaints and sore throat. The fever is rising fast, saliva from the mouth is due to swallowing problems. The breath is raw and whistling and the voice is hoarse. But unlike the false croup cough child. The child should be hospitalized. The disease is treated with antibiotics and in 1.5% of the cases fatal.

Prevent / vaccine

The bacteria live in harmony with our body (comme mountainous) and is transmitted through saliva droplets. There are therefore no antibodies formed against this disease. To the formation of antibodies by means of the HIB vaccine but instead to find a part of the bacterial wall linked to another antigen that the immune system reacts to it (from diphtheria or tetanus). The antibodies prevent infection of the HIB, but prevent that it is our aggressive meninges. It does not protect against the other complications of the HIB, except against the epiglottitis, a severe form of false croup. The number of cerebral inflammation by Haemophilus influenzae B, since the introduction of the vaccine reduced by 70%. In parallel, we see an increase in meningitis by meningococcen (cerebro-spinal) among teenagers. The meningococ is highly contagious and is generally much more serious. In the Netherlands, the number meningococceninfecties considerably from the introduction of the HIB vaccination (1993). The HIB vaccination protects completely against meningoc.

Only 3% of the cerebral inflammation caused by the Haemophylus and less than one fifth of them is of type B. The vaccine results in 90% of immunization to protection.

The vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide and formol.


Treatment with antibiotics is effective, especially if given in time. Homeopathy can only be given as an accompanying tool, simply because no one can risk. The child should be as soon as possible to be hospitalized.

Side effects

Because the vaccine is almost always in combination with the DKTP data is extremely difficult for the adverse effects in the short or long term to know. There have been past cases of HIB meningitis, just after the HIB vaccination described. A critical evaluation of an extensive Finnish study showed that 1 in every 1700 children, juvenile diabetes (diabetes in children) can develop by repeated HIB vaccinaties.2 parallel with the introduction of the HIB vaccination in Finland by the number of serious diseases the pneumococ increased. In Switzerland, although the HIB meningitis-strong, but the meningococ-miningitis since 1995 almost verdubbeld.3 Also in the Netherlands, the number of pneumococcal infections after the introduction of the HIB vaccination in 1993 has risen, the number of highly cerebral inflammation increased. An examination of Osterhol in Minisota in 1988 were children who had a HIB vaccination had five times more likely to get meningitis or not ingente kinderen.4 From the experience in Japan suggests that if the vaccines are delayed, the number of neurological disorders, such as meningitis, epilepsy, brain inflammation (encephalitis), reduced to an acceptable risk. Thus, the number of neurological disorders with symptoms including remaining 37 deaths over a period of five years from 57 to 16 and the number neurlogische disease without symptoms lasting from 82 to 14. 5

What is wise?

We work the vaccination schedule according to the National Vaccine Program (RVP) than the children are 4 months had 18 vaccines. Overburdening of the still immature immune system leads to many failures in the immune defenses of loss due to chronic infections such as ear infection, respiratory infections with a lot of mucus in the lungs and asthma, skin diseases, epilepsy, behavioral and developmental disorders. The risk of meningitis is due to a poor immune system and overloaded. Teach your child first to know and observe how it behaves in its natural state and develop. Gun time the immune system to mature, which is about one and a half years.

It is debatable whether the HIB vaccination is the number with severe cerebral inflammation reduces turnover, as in many countries including the Netherlands since its introduction the number of serious expiring cerebral inflammation by meningococ and pneumococ increased. Meningococcenvaccin or in the future reduction of deaths from meningitis it will provide is still strong demand. The vaccine works only on the C variant and in most cases it is the B variant (85%), for which no vaccine exists. In addition, vaccines against meningitis susceptibility to the disease earlier and to encourage other variants.

Breastfeeding is a good against HIB infection protection. The risks are greater in complicated pregnancies and Premature hours (premature babies), but also as a child has asked for the crche gaat.6

For further information please read: Diseases and vaccines detail, issued by the Dutch Association of Critical shots, June 2001


  1. Dr. Franois Choffat, Le droit de choisir; Jouvence Editions, ISBN 2-88353-222-2
  2. M. Karvonen et al: Association between type 1 diabetes and Haemophylus influenzae type B vaccination, birth cohort study, British Medical Journal, No. 318, 1999, p. 1169-1172
  3. Fdral Office de la sant publique: Maladie mningococciques invasives and Suisse de 1995 1999, Bulletin No. 30, 2000, p.344-346
  4. Oster Holm et al: Lack of efficacy of Haemophilus b vaccine polisaccharide in Minisota; Journal of the American Medical Assosiation, 260 (10), p. 1423-1428
  5. Cherry & al: "Report of a Task Force on pertussis + pertussis immunization." "Pediatrics" (supp) 1988
  6. J. Ward: Haemophilus influenzae vaccines, in the work of S. Plotkin and E. Mortimer: Vaccines, Saunders 1994, p. 344-346