Post-Vaccination Syndrome


The disease

Polio is a viral disease that is in the throat and the intestines develop. The disease is spreekseldruppeljes by stool or faeces contaminated food or contaminated water transferred. Only rarely, in 0.1% of cases, this associated with neurological complications. That explains why the introduction of the polio the majority of children are protected without disease ever to have had symptoms. In rare cases, calls the virus in the spinal cord and created a sense of paralysis and loss. After a few days sometimes cure the disease with abandonment of a more or less severe paralysis. In rare cases, respiratory muscles are affected and must be someone beademd life. In 5% of the cases get a buikgriep children with fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. The disease is more common in children whose throat tonsils removed and may also be caused by intramuscular injections, anti-parasitic drugs and the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccin.2

There are three types of polio type 1, 2 and 3, all three in the vaccine prevented. The last polio cases in the Netherlands (1992) were of type 3.

The vaccine

For the second polio are different vaccines, the Sabin vaccine with live virus via the mouth (oral) is administered and the Salk vaccine virus that is sprayed with slain is. In the Netherlands, almost always the Salk vaccine in the combined vaccine administered DKTP. The Sabin vaccine has the advantage that the spread of polio and against, while the Salk vaccine that almost does not do. The vaccine used in the Netherlands so it protects the individual against graft developing the severe form of the disease, but not prevent the spread of the virus. Why is not the oral vaccine worldwide? The disadvantage of the oral (Sabin) polio vaccine that is given that can be active again and excrement - contaminated water, like other children or adults can infect, and polio is precisely maintained. This has the advantage in developing countries that you do not need the entire population to be vaccinated and the rest is naturally infected. The last 15 years in the United States only polio cases detected by the self-caused polio (170 cases). For example, between 1980 and 1992 in the U.S. 118 of these cases of VAPP (Vaccine Associated Polio Paralitic) reported in 66 vaccinees and 52 contacts with vaccinees. Paralysis occurred in 28 (24%) immuno-deficient, but also in 90 (76%) immunocompetenten.5 In the last epidemic in the Dominican Republic in 2000, 19 polio cases with acute paralysis, was shown to be 97% oral polio was the cause. Most countries now on the injected Salk vaccine. It protects polio in 95% and 5% remain unprotected despite repeated vaccination.

Side effects

Between 1954 and 1963, some hundreds of millions of people infected with the monkey virus, SEV 40, which later proved to be present in the smallpox and polio vaccine. The same virus was later in a large number of brain tumors teruggevonden.6 Heinonen A study of 58,807 women in 1973 were in children during pregnancy against polio (Salk) grafted 13X more women than for brain tumors in children are not vaccinated women. 7 Later SEV 40 showed that the virus was responsible for the outbreak of AIDS. Several viruses (smallpox, polio, measles, rubella and hepatitis B) were or are on cell culture of monkey kidney soaked.


There is no standard treatment for polio. If the disease once broke out, it can no antibiotics and no medical intervention the course of the disease in its acute stage influence. However, treatment with magnesium chloride seems as effective in time toegepast.4 Good research with magnesium chloride has never taken place. How effective a homeopathic treatment of polio is also difficult to assess because it is impossible now sufficient experience with the treatment of this disease.

What is wise?

Polio in the whole western world for years and no longer present, the risk of polio to walk through the (oral) vaccine greater than the probability of a natural way to be infected with polio. However, I have seen the seriousness of the disease to the polio vaccine to omit. Probably we are not that far more from the abolition of the global polio as happened with the smallpox vaccine. The initial target date was 2000, but probably will now be 2005. In the Netherlands were the last cases of 1992. The risk of infection with polio is now extremely small, that in any case, no argument for children 2 months to vaccinate a DKTP. Some very early vaccination is an additional risk and is also seen the other components in this vaccine is not a good thing. (see also whooping cough!)

For further information please read: Diseases and vaccines detail, issued by the Dutch Association of Critical shots, June 2001


  1. Dr. François Choffat, Le droit de choisir; Jouvence Editions, ISBN 2-88353-222-2
  2. Wyatt HR, Provocations poliomyelitis: neglected clinical observation from 1914 to 1950. Bulletin of history or medicine, tome 55, 1981
  3. Dr. Jean Pilette, The polio ... Wonder? or disaster? 4280 Avins-Hannut D/2000/6688/01
  4. A. Neveu., Prévenir guerir et la poliomyelite, Ed. Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccination, 1983, Paris
  5. RE wobble and Benor DE, Reporting vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis: Concordance between the CDC and national vaccine injury compensation program. Amer J. Pub. Health, May 1996, 86, 5: 734-737
  6. Geissler E, SV 40 and SV 40-like viruses as possible risk factors, Arch. Geschwulstforsch., 1983, 53, 3: 217-226
  7. Heinonen et al, immunization against poliomyelitis during pregnancy and influenza in relation to childhood malignancy, Int. Journal of Epidemic, 1973,2,3: p.229-235